Outdoor Itch Resource Center

Welcome to the outdoor itch resource center! Our goal is to help you stay itch and pain-free. We offer guides and how-to's to help you understand and avoid poison ivy and oak.

Which Tecnu Do I Use?

The dreaded hiker’s right-of-passage has happened: you notice a red, itchy rash forming on your skin post hiking trip. Now what?

Poison ivy rashes can be a pain to treat and to manage, but with the right products, you can be on the mend in no time. Tecnu provides a series of comprehensive products to treat that nasty rash and to prevent future ones from spreading.

Step 1: Cleanse to remove rash-causing oils

Tecnu Original and Tecnu Extreme Scrub on a bathroom counterThe first and most important step after exposure to poison ivy, oak, or sumac is to remove the urushiol oil from your skin. Urushiol is the substance responsible for triggering the allergic reaction. Tecnu products are designed specifically to remove this sticky oil before it causes a rash.

  • Tecnu Original: Ideal for immediate use, Tecnu Original effectively and efficiently removes urushiol oil from the skin when used soon after exposure. It can be used both on skin and other surfaces to stop and control the spread of urushiol oil.
  • Tecnu Extreme: Tecnu Extreme is even stronger than Tecnu Original. Designed for people who need a more powerful cleanse, Tecnu Extreme is needed if the exposure occurred hours ago or for extreme exposure. It is ideal for a much deeper clean.

Both Tecnu Original and Tecnu Extreme are perfect choices for cleansing your skin after exposure–Tecnu Extreme provides a deeper cleansing.

Step 2: Treat rash symptoms

Tecnu Rash Relief and Calagel next to an arm with poison ivy rashIf you’ve already developed a rash following exposure, you will need to treat the symptoms. These symptoms include itching, redness, and swelling. Tecnu offers a couple of products specifically designed for this:

  • Tecnu Rash Relief Spray: This medicated anti-itch spray’s unique homeopathic formula stops itching and pain fast, providing immediate relief. The spray also helps promote healing and prevent scarring. It’s perfect for calming the discomfort caused by an existing rash.
  • Calagel: This soothing gel also provides immediate relief for those nasty rash symptoms particularly for itching. It soothes the rash and is a great option to treat more localized areas.

Both the spray and gel can be used to relieve symptoms once the rash has appeared.

Step 3: Avoid future rashes

Woman wiping her arm with Tecnu Detox WipesAfter both cleansing your skin and treating your rash, it is just as important (if not more) to prevent a secondary contamination and avoid future rashes. Urushiol oil can spread from surface to surface (and sometimes even in pets) – Tecnu has two key products to help:

  • Tecnu Original: In addition to using Tecnu Original for initial skin cleansing, it can also be used to wipe down surfaces such as counters, tools, and even pets that may have been exposed to urushiol oil. By cleaning these areas, the probability of the oils transferring to your skin later decreases.
  • Tecnu Detox Wipes: These wipes are perfect for on-the-go cleaning. If you’re on a long hike or camping trip, or anywhere you’ve been in the area with poison ivy or oak, you can use these wipes to remove oils from your skin or any objects that may have been exposed. This is an easy and quick way to prevent further exposure.

Both Tecnu Original and Tecnu Detox Wipes can be used to clean surfaces (and yourself) of oils to prevent further contamination. The wipes provide a quick, on-the-go resolution, but either will help avoid future rashes.

The All-In-One: Tecnu Ivy Complete Kit

the Tecnu Ivy Complete Kit

If you want all of the necessary tools in one package, the Tecnu Ivy Complete Kit has everything you need. The kit includes Cleanse (to remove rash-causing oil), Treat (for rash symptom relief), and Tecnu Detox Wipes (for preventing future exposure on-the-go). If you find yourself frequently in areas with poison ivy or oak, this is the kit for you – it can be a true lifesaver.

Frequently Asked Questions:––

When do I use Tecnu?

Use Tecnu Original, Tecnu Extreme, or Tecnu Detox Wipes immediately after exposure to cleanse your skin helping to prevent one of those frustrating rashes. If a rash develops, wash with one of the cleansers to help stop the spreading followed by Tecnu Rash Relief or Calagel to treat the symptoms.

Which Tecnu is best to use?

The best Tecnu to use depends on what you need it for. Tecnu Original is great for general cleansing (and preventing exposure), while Tecnu Extreme is best for tougher cases of exposure (or if you’ve been exposed hours ago). Tecnu Rash Relief and Calagel are best for treating rash symptoms, and Tecnu Detox Wipes is best to prevent further exposure.

Can Tecnu be used after a rash starts?

Yes, Tecnu can still be effective after a rash begins. While it is ideal to use a cleanser right after exposure, Tecnu Rash Relief and Calagel are designed specifically to help manage and treat symptoms of existing rashes.

Understanding when to use certain products in the Tecnu collection can help manage a poison ivy rash and relieve symptoms with ease.

Updated on 05 Mar 2025