Can I get poison ivy from my dog?

A dog and his owner are relaxing inside a tent in the outdoors.

85% of the population in the U.S is allergic to the oil found on poison ivy plants. Dog fur and paws can carry this oil on their coat, leading some to wonder, "Can I get poison ivy from my dog?"

If you are wondering if your pets have poison ivy, it is a good idea to wash them.  This post explains how to remove urushiol using Tecnu products if you suspect your pet might be carrying poison ivy oil.

How dogs spread poison ivy

Dogs are curious animals and they love to explore. If you have a dog, you know that the more curious they are, the more likely they are to get into things they shouldn't. This is why they will often find themselves in situations where they could get into trouble, such as when they brush against something that isn't good for them, like poison ivy.

Dogs spread poison ivy because their fur gets covered in urushiol and it adheres to their fur. In that case, dogs' fur can spread urushiol when it rubs off on another dog or person.

So next time you pet your dog, you might spread poison ivy to yourself. Additionally, urushiol can cling to clothing or blankets used by your dog, so if you use these items later on and touch your skin, you could get an allergic reaction too!

How does poison ivy affect dogs?

Suppose the dog touches poison ivy. In that case, the plant's oils can cause irritation and redness on the dog's skin, like when humans touch poison ivy. This can cause itching and scratching, which may lead to infection.

The oils from poison ivy can also get into a dog's digestive system. This causes vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, which may happen within a few hours of eating enough of the plant.

Some dog breeds with short hair or thin coats should need extra precautions because they're more likely to develop itching and irritation from poison ivy than dogs with thick fur coats that protect their skin.

How to protect your dog against poison ivy

When you walk your dog through the woods or in other areas where poison ivy grows, chances are that you're taking precautions to protect yourself from exposure to the plant's urushiol oil. The same can't be said for your furry friend. To protect your dog, here are some tips:

  1. Keep your dog on a leash when out for a walk to keep him away from fences and at the base of trees where poison ivy usually grows.
  2. If you suspect your dog has been exposed to poison ivy, use Tecnu Detox Wipes immediately. You can also use them before your dog enters your house after a walk.
  3. You can also use Tecnu Original Outdoor Skin Cleanser to wash your dog. See our video as your guide in washing your dog.

Make you and your dog safe.

Whether you are a dog owner or someone who loves the outdoors, you should consider investing in cleanser for poison ivy. And remember, even the smallest amount of exposure of your pet to poison ivy can cause pain and itching for weeks after it transfers to you.

But there is a way to protect you and your dog from getting this rash: Tecnu!

Tecnu products will remove any lingering plant oil on your dog's fur. It's fast, convenient, easy to use, and best of all: it works. This also works on humans, so don't forget to use it to avoid an itchy rash. Prepare yourself and grab some of poison ivy's best products for itchy skin! Visit Tecnu for more information.