How to use Calagel from Tec Laboratories on Vimeo.

Skin irritations such as rashes, insect bites, minor cuts, burns, and scrapes can be a hassle during outdoor adventures. However, Calagel offers maximum strength itch relief, providing the much-needed relief you seek when facing these discomforts.

Check out the video above or follow these simple 2 steps below to effectively use Tecnu Calagel:

Step One: Clean your skin with soap and warm water if it’s available, then dry the area.

Step Two: Apply Calagel to the affected area and enjoy the pain and itch relief.

Calagel is a wonderful way to combat itch and irritation, but remember to limit your use of Calagel to three times a day. A little bit of Calagel can go a long way!

Say goodbye to the inconvenience of the traditional calamine pink and flaky mess while you're out on your adventure. Experience the immediate relief and clarity of Calagel's formula!