About us

It all started with a clever chemical engineer, a desire to help those in need and the tumultuous Cold War years. It was in the early 1960's when Dr. Robert Smith (Doc), formerly of Mead Johnson, developed a solution designed to remove fallout from the skin during the Cold War. Doc's unique solution, named Tecnu® for "technically new", was initially sold in 5-gallon buckets as a bomb shelter staple; fortunately, it was never needed!
Fast forward a few years later when Doc's wife, Evelyn, accidentally discovered that Tecnu worked to remove the rash-causing oil (urushiol) from poison oak & ivy plants. Poison oak ran rampant around the Smith's house and Evelyn finally had enough when the kids' rashes became more frequent after playing in the yard. She took to the backyard barehanded (despite her sensitivity to the plants) and pulled out every poison oak plant, root and all. When the job was done, she went inside and washed up with a bottle of Tecnu Doc had left by the sink. Several days later, she was shocked when there were no signs of rash, especially considering the terrible reactions she'd experienced in the past. Evelyn began telling friends and neighbors, and news of the cleanser's ability to combat poison oak & ivy oil spread quickly.
As time went on, an unlucky event led to Tecnu's early success. Doc and Evelyn's son, Steve owned his own janitorial business, and one day, while up on a ladder cleaning the outside of a bank, a kid passing by on a bike misjudged the distance between himself and Steve's ladder, and BAM! After several broken bones and a lengthy hospital stay, Steve opted for a career change and decided to see what he could do with his Oregon State University Business degree. He began selling Tecnu to local pharmacies and utility companies creating the brand we know today.
In 2024, Steve Smith retired and sold the business to Quest Products, LLC. Quest Products is continuing to make Tecnu in Oregon and support those who love the outdoors. Innovation will continue with the desire to make quality products that help outdoor enthusiasts combat poison oak & ivy, insect bites, sunburns, and more!